Human Rights Council – A/HRC/46/39
Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children
and Armed Conflict, Mrs. Virginia Gamba
Statement by Professor Michel Veuthey
Ambassador to monitor and combat trafficking in persons, Deputy Permanent Observer
Geneva, 8 March 2021
Madam President, Excellencies,
The Order of Malta would like to thank the Special Representative for her excellent report (A/HRC/46/39) on “Children and Armed Conflict.”
The Order of Malta is wishes to strengthen its awareness-raising, prevention and protection efforts to assist children victims of armed conflict, through its multilateral and bilateral diplomatic networks.
It has intensified its medical and social programmes in many countries in the world on behalf of children affected by conflict during the pandemic through its National Associations and its world humanitarian organization “Malteser International”.
The Sovereign Order of Malta wishes to continue the dialogue with the Special Representative and other stakeholders, including faith-based organizations, the business and academic communities, in order to share and optimize its best practices.
The Order of Malta supports the conclusions and recommendations of the Special Representative calling upon all parties to conflict to comply fully with international humanitarian law, international human rights law and international refugee law as well as for a full, safe and unhindered access for the timely delivery of humanitarian assistance, and as for a better protection of schools and hospitals.
Thank you.