On Wednesday, November 27, Ambassador Michel Veuthey was invited to participate in a panel discussion at the Tenth Conference on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, held at the Abat Oliba CEU University in Barcelona. The conference, organized under the direction of Dr. Carmen Parra Rodríguez, Director of the UNESCO Chair for Peace, Solidarity and Intercultural Dialogue, focused on the rights of the girl child. Ambassador Veuthey addressed the critical issue of trafficking in girls. His insights were part of a broader panel that included experts on child marriage, femicide and female genital mutilation.
The event provided a platform for distinguished speakers, among which Mrs. Elisalex Löwenstein (“Mary’s Meals Foundation”), to engage on pressing social issues, emphasizing the intersection of human rights and gender equality. Ambassador Veuthey’s contribution highlighted the vital role of international cooperation and advocacy in protecting vulnerable populations from exploitation and abuse, and the role of the Sovereign Order of Malta.
Abat Oliba CEU University, located in Barcelona, Spain, is a private Catholic university founded in 1973. Initially established as the Abat Oliba University College, it became an independent university in 2003. The institution is part of the CEU educational network, with the San Pablo CEU University in Madrid, the Fernando III CEU University in Valencia, and the Cardenal Herrera CEU University in Sevilla. Known for its emphasis on humanities, law, business, and communication studies, it combines academic excellence with Christian values.