
PTSD Stress Disorder Care Event – October 12th, 2023 – Geneva

PTSD Stress Disorder Care Event – October 12th, 2023 – Geneva

On Thursday, October 12th, an event organized by the Sovereign Order of Malta, in collaboration with “au Coeur des grottes,” the “Fondation Collège Universitaire Henry Dunant,” and “Astrée,” was held in Geneva. The event took place at the Conference Room of 1 Varembé in Geneva and was titled “Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Care for Victims of Human Trafficking” (Les soins des troubles du stress post-traumatique pour les victimes de la traite des êtres humains).

The event lasted for 1 hour and 30 minutes and featured Geneva’s leading experts in the medical care of trafficking survivors. It facilitated an interactive dialogue both during and after the conference. The list of speakers included:

  • Michel Veuthey, Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons.
  • Joana Herrmann, a psychologist at the “Cœurs des grottes” shelter in Geneva, specialized in psychotraumatology.
  • Doctor Sophie Durieux, Head of RSP HUG.
  • Doctor Emmanuel Escard, Head of the Interdisciplinary Unit for the Medicine and Prevention of Violence (UIMPV – HUG).

You can access the full recorded event HERE.