From November 8 to 10, the international conference “PAXA EUROPA: Is the European Union, a Space of Peace, in Peril?” took place at the University of Tours. The event was organized by the European Documentation Center of the University of Tours, in collaboration with the Institute of Higher National Defense Studies (IHEDN) and in partnership with the European Commission.
Several speakers participated in this conference, which focused on the theme of peace in Europe, a highly relevant topic in current affairs. Professor Michel Veuthey, Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta and Associate Professor of Public International Law at Webster University, was invited to speak on the subject of human trafficking during armed conflicts.
During his presentation, Professor Veuthey emphasized various fundamental aspects, such as the pervasive presence of trafficking in all sectors, often unnoticed, and its status as the world’s second most profitable illegal business, with staggering figures. He then delved into details by addressing the various definitions of trafficking, the efforts made for awareness, and the crucial role that survivors could play.