
Linked event to the 2023 Global Refugee Forum: Refugee Protection and Human Trafficking – December 11, 2023

Linked event to the 2023 Global Refugee Forum: Refugee Protection and Human Trafficking – December 11, 2023

On December 11th, the linked event to the 2023 Global Refugee Forum, “Refugee Protection and Human Trafficking”, was held at the Palais des Nations in Room VII from 12 to 2 pm. The event was organized by the Sovereign Order of Malta Ambassador to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons in collaboration with UNHCR, the Special Rapporteur on Human Trafficking, Caritas Internationalis, COATNET and Secours Catholique France. The event was attended by more than 70 participants and 30 persons joined online.

Moreover, the event was co-sponsored by several Permanent Missions: Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, France, Holy See, Switzerland as well as UNODC.

The event was structured as follow:

Welcome and opening remarks

  • Michel Veuthey, Ambassador to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Sovereign order of Malta
  • E Ambassador Jérôme Bonnafont, Permanent Representative to the UN, France
  • E. Ambassador Jürg Lauber, Permanent Representative to the UN, Switzerland
  • Geneviève Colas, Member of the COATNET Steering Committee, Secours Catholique-Caritas France,
  • Elizabeth Tan, Director, Division of International Protection, UNHCR

Keynote speech: Prevention of trafficking in the context of refugee protection, internal displacement and statelessness

  • Siobhán Mullally, UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children

Panel Discussion: Focus on protection 

  • E. Ms. Anna Ekstedt, Ambassador for Combating Trafficking in Persons, Sweden
  • Vincent Cochetel, Special Envoy for the Central Mediterranean Situation, UNHCR
  • Yitna Getachew, Head of the Protection Division, IOM
  • Tory Clawson, Director, Migration & Displacement Initiative, Save the Children
  • Intervention from the floor: Jürgen Schurr, Head of Law, Lawyers for Justice

Panel Discussion: Focus on prevention

  • Grainne O’Hara, Senior Human Rights Adviser, UN OHCHR
  • Belancille Mukamusigali, Head of Anti-trafficking and Migration Sector, Caritas Rwanda
  • Devota Nuwe, Head of Programs, Refugee Law Project – Uganda
  • Francesca Pizzutelli, Deputy Director and Head of the Refugee and Migrant’s Rights Team, Amnesty Internation

Plenary discussion: Announcing pledges and sharing good practices.

We had interventions from Catherine Meredith, Doughty Street Chambers; Ariela Mitri, Caritas Albania and Suzanne Hoff, La Strada International.


Prof. Siobhán Mullally, UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children

Here you can access the entire recorded event.